Steam Up to rise
April 30th 2012 For the friends who complained why did My first Idly take this long to come, I need to confess that I have been spending most of my hours with real-time modernizers in a closed circuit air-conditioned environment where Idlys were hard to cook. Contemplating on the batter of Idlys would be the last thing welcome on the floor, even though a lot of cooking, frying and serving predisposed matters, does happen already quite commonly without anyone’s control. I informed myself several times and then learned it as a good student of Invention School that in order to survive I must continually Innovate-technologically(there's a catch in it) and not trade the time writing about...Idlys. I am an engineer whose job is to ‘build, certify, release and do it enormously innovatively. I must worry about quality of delivery and customer experience and please….never about Idlys, as a bureaucrat revealingly advised me one day. However in my teensy own time I managed to think ...