Find your TEE at your Workplace
TEE as I call it, expands for Transactional and Emotional Engagement of employees in an organization. I recently got a chance to read the Employee Engagement 2.0 by Kevin Kruse, author of NY Times bestseller, WE: HOW TO INCREASE PERFORMANCE AND PROFITS THROUGH FULL ENGAGEMENT . I have to sincerely thank Kevin for being extremely kind and personally sending me the PDF copy of this book to me. While I highly recommend all the managers, those who report to them and those in the lines of becoming managers, to read this book as the first check item before stepping into your people management career, for those who want to chew it quick I am glad to point you to What is Employee Engagement and for those who are curious to know what makes me so highly appreciate this read - It’s the following five lines of thoughts I take the liberty to do a ctrlC+ctrlV from the book, A simpler way to think about Employee Engagement is this: Culture always trumps strategy. To win in th...